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Cycling Computer Data Fields

You got your new training toy, but what are you supposed to be looking at? The default data fields are commonly used metrics like pace, HR and distance. However, you can customize your Garmin’s “data fields” and “training pages” to highlight a plethora of training metrics and information.

Personally, I like to glance down and look at a few specific metrics every few minutes for a bit of self analysis. Others prefer to use the computer between their ears when they ride and analyze the data when they get home. Ultimately, you can choose to customize your display screen to suit your own desires and training needs, but here is what I recommend and what I use on my Garmin Edge 1000.

Page 1: Home Screen

10 sec Average Power, Current HR, Cadence, Speed, Time, Distance

Page 2: Interval/Lap Summary

Last Lap HR, Last Lap Kilojoules, Last Lap Average Power

Page 3: Ride Totals

Average Power, Normalized Power, Average HR, Kilojoules, Max. Power, Total Ascent, Average Cadence, Temperature, Average Speed, Time of Day

As you can see, the amount of data you can gather from one ride is almost endless. However, that data is almost worthless without athlete feedback. Be sure to provide a quick note on how the session felt or how you thought it went. A simple “RPE 7/10” will suffice, but the more detailed the better. You will appreciate it when you look back on your training and your coach will also appreciate it!

Keep your head unit’s firmware up-to-date to ensure trouble-free operation and don’t forget to press “Start” or you won’t record anything. Be sure to use the “Lap” button for intervals (press at the start and end of each interval) as it makes it easier to dissect data. You may have the ability to pair your Garmin to your smart phone via Bluetooth for quick and easy automatic download. Do it, but don’t forget to comment on your session in your training log! Most importantly, if you’re outside don’t look down for more than a second or two! Pay attention to the road and only look down briefly.

A note on power: In order to ensure consistent data, be sure your power meter is “awake” and calibrated before each ride. Every brand has their own calibration process so be sure to follow the appropriate directions before every session and race. For more information on the benefits of training and racing with power, click here.

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